
Episode: A Rant

 Well, the ending of June was interesting and just keeps on going... 

Not only have there been a death in the family* and one expecting, work has created such a chaos with the routes under the disguise of "keeping it even"; it has taken me out of my jurisdiction and forced me to get off past my schedule time off.  This morning I have already seen a hint of what taking place for the rest of my next two days at work...they redid the route and added more hits instead of eliminating, enough is enough!  Just because they can call it full-time at thirsty-two hours and get away from paying time-and-a-half for anything over eight, because it is not over forty hours [thanks to the government], they are taking advantage of all their patrolpersons by making them stay over to finish the route.  Not only do they want you to falsify information, they IMO cheat the client by not being honest in several areas such as not telling the client that their service can be interrupted by an alarm; not all the hits might be done on a given day; etc., nor sharing the daily report with them (as it was told to be my the GM that those reports does not goes to the client); and to create "two incident report per week", however, they [GM] said they are not telling us to falsify, just want two incident reports per week.  News flash, that is the same as saying it obviously ~ falsify reports, the implication is there!

Definition of Incident:

GOOGLE ~ noun: incident; plural noun: incidents...  an event or occurrence "several amusing incidents"

  • a violent event, such as a fracas or assault
  • a hostile clash between forces of rival countries
  • a case or instance of something happening
  • the occurrence of dangerous or exciting things
BLACK LAW'S DICTIONARY ~ Something dependent upon, appertaining or subordinate to, or accompanying something else of greater or principal importance, something arising or relting from something else of greater or principal importance Mola v. Reiley, 100 N.J.Super. 343, 241A.2d 861, 864.  Used as a noun, it denotes anything which inseparably belongs to , or is connected with, or inherent in, another thing, called the "principal".

Neither of these definitions indicate a broken sprinkler head, lights outs (no damages to light pole or housing), etc., but as it was told to me and others, is what they use [incident reports] to get more money from the clients.  I don't know, I guess if I was the "client", I'll be wanting daily reports and since it is done electronically, I would want it on each patrol that way I can compare what the officers are seeing on the property and what they are reporting...and if there is something wrong then ask questions.  Oh, and a peaceful individual once advised and asked to leave the premises compare to a violent individual that now wants to fight, does not warrant an incident report unless there is damage or a crime has been committed...which at that point I guess someone would be calling in the "big boys".
~~rant over.

*Family: If I say you're family, you're family regardless if you're blood or not.