
Just An Opinion

How Far Does It Has To Go?
Government vs. Religion - OK so a particular faith don't believe in modern medicine, hell I wonder about it myself. They're not "licensed" (LOL) after all a doctor's license is to "practice"; guess in the eight years plus they don't practice while they are doing their internship or residency...anyways where is the line drawn between separation of government and religion. Because they [state government] lost one battle they changed the rules so they can win...talk about the ultimate cheat code! Granted I believe in protecting life, especially a child's but the simplest thing called common sense should take over when you get that gut feeling that something is just not right, which is God's way of talking to you...but it is mentioned in the Bible that if you don't do the things you're suppose to do, He will turn a deaf ear unto you. - referring to Oregon City, OR, Oregon v. Worthington.
Law Enforcement's Leash
So LAPD leash might be coming off, but if you live in my area and see several of the "rookies" doing their "ID checks" at the bus stops, sounds like my area "rookies" might need the leash now. How can a court tell a department not to be bias and to install cameras to ensure the officers are not "racial profiling" on traffic stops? Not because the government did it, but ethnics groups tend to stick together. So, if an officer works in in an area and constantly pulls over the same ethnic group for traffic violation and they have that camera on boards, are they "racial profiling" just because they have to work in that area? I don't think so, let's get with the reality here folks and open your eyes maybe less than one percent might be doing racial profiling, maybe an officer had an incident a week ago or five minutes ago with an individual and now it seems they're only pulling over that ethnic group...we're all humans and don't tell me you didn't think that way at one point or another.
No Guns Allowed - Not Posted
Some Wal-Marts sport the "NO GUNS" sign, others have a clause under the sign "Except properly licensed," yet you have a handful that don't display anything! Recently while working (in full uniform, vest, duty belt with gun, radio, etc.) when most folks won't ask what you do for a living because you're a walking billboard (target), I had to get supply and working graveyard you're limited to where you can get supply in the extreme early mornings when most folks are sleeping - anyways, after getting supply at the same Wal-Mart I have for years I went in with no problem and got the supplies and would you know it, an item didn't work time to exchange it since you're right there. Upon re-entry I was denied entry after I just bought the supplies, I explained they don't have anything posted of such thing "no guns" and that I was on duty and I was properly licensed; then came the stupidest comment from the greeting host, "Metro allowed all others no because they might get your guns." Wow! You go through training, some even have gone through a police academy, some military background, etc., unless your in a fight or in lala land, I don't care you you are the chances are high you will lose a weapon, that's why (a well trained individual or one with common sense) you check your surroundings to spot possible problems - PREVENTION. I think they should go through training, hope their alarm don't go off since we're not allowed in the store. Oh, a "Metro" did come to my aide (also buying supply) by telling them we're the front line because nine out of ten times, they (Metro) be there after us , if they're not busy and we take care of the calls on private property due to the contract. Yet, it is sad to know that the corporate main office supports hunter education and gun rights as I keep reading, but the "stores" sure shows a different attitude in a right to carry state.
TSA vs. Custom Agent
Recently I was advised by a close friend that was traveling abroad that when they entered the United States from their travel, Custom (which is part of the INS) checked their stuff and let them through, however, when they had to go through TSA check point, what they had, which Custom Agents allowed to pass they claim it was not allowed and attempted to confiscate the item. Needless to say the item made it home after a short debate, but still who's over who? TSA are not government agents even though they work under the blanket of "Homeland Security" and Custom are Agents that work for INS, which I know of several Border Patrol Agents that have gone to Customs and several Dept. of Interior/BLM Agents have gone to Custom too and visa versus because they are government employees...how does TSA thinks they supersede them? I'm all for "protecting the public", but hey too much is enough...talk about being bias go see a TSA personnel, now that's who needs the leash and the cameras.

1 comment:

  1. All of the situations you mentioned can be eliminated or corrected with a proper education on the Constitution, and in the other cases, about how to properly handle one's job. Ignorance is bliss except for the poor slobs who are the victims of these leftist loons who refuse to recognize the truth if it reached out and slapped them upside the head. God protect us from those who wish to remain ignorant!
